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Dr. Margarida Prado

Dr. Margarida Prado

Lifestyle medicine Weight loss Ophthalmologist in São Paulo


About Dr. Margarida Prado


Ophthalmologist Specialist in External Pathology and Corneal Transplantation and Refractive Surgery


Lifestyle Medicine

Other Specialties



Lifestyle medicine Healthy Weight Loss Ophthalmologist specializing in External Pathology/Cornea Transplantation and Refractive Surgery.

Professional Experience

  • Medical Specialization in Ophthalmology from the Faculty of Medicine of ABC

  • European Lifestyle Medicine Organization Member

  • 43rd University Medical Congress. Supervisor of the work "Bilateral subcapsular cataract and childhood linear IgA dermatosis with prolonged use of systemic corticosteroids". 2018. (Congress).

  • IX Brazilian Congress of Cataract and Refractive Surgery. Bilateral subcapsular cataract and childhood linear IgA dermatosis with prolonged use of systemic corticosteroids. 2017. (Congress)

  • IX Brazilian Congress of Cataract and Refractive Surgery. Bilateral subcapsular cataract and childhood linear IgA dermatosis with prolonged use of systemic corticosteroids. 2017. (Congress).


  • 2018 - 1st place in the Surgical Case Report category.


  • Graduated in Ophthalmology at the Faculty of Medicine of ABC (2016-2020)


  • English

  • Portuguese

  • Italian


In Sight oPHTHALMOLOGY, Rua Domingos Fernandes, 144 - Moema, Sao Paulo, 04509-010

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