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Dr. Angela Libert Alves

Dr. Angela Libert Alves

Implant Dentist in São Paulo


About Dr. Angela Libert Alves


Dental Surgeon, OdontoStyllo


Dentist, Dental Surgeon


Dr. Angela Libert Alves, aged 45, is an experienced dentist with 19 years of training in dentistry and specialization in implant dentistry and implant prosthetics. With 14 years of experience in basic health units as a dental surgeon, she has acquired extensive experience in different types of dental care, especially in urgent and emergency situations. She currently manages a dental clinic in São Paulo, dedicating most of her time to caring for patients, as well as being involved in administrative tasks and meetings with the team for strategic planning, professional development and improving service. Throughout her career, Dr. Alves constantly seeks improvement, participating in various courses and training, including Multidisciplinary Residency in Family Health, Minor Oral Surgery, Special Patient Care, Conscious Sedation with Nitrous Oxide, Basic Life Support, Auriculotherapy in Chinese Oriental Medicine and Orofacial Harmonization with Botulinum Toxin for conditions such as Bruxism and orofacial pain.

Professional Experience

  • Conscious Sedation with Nitrous Oxide, Advanced Dentistry, Faculdade São Leopoldo Mandic.

  • Implantologist, Postgraduate in Dentistry, Faculdade São Leopoldo Mandic.

  • Dental Surgeon, OdontoStyllo, since October 2015.

  • Dental Surgeon, APS Santa Marcelina.

  • Dental Surgeon, Zerbini Foundation.


  • Dental Surgeon graduated in Dentistry from the Methodist University of São Paulo, completed in 2004.


  • English

  • Portuguese


  • Rehabilitation

  • Prosthetics

  • Dental veneers

  • Dental implants

  • Dental crowns

  • Dental prosthetics


  • Oral surgery


    Praça Padre Aleixo Monteiro Mafra, 5 - São Miguel Paulista, Sao Paulo, 08011-010


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