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Dra. Ana Carolina Spiridon Pacheco Nekrycz

Dra. Ana Carolina Spiridon Pacheco Nekrycz

Pediatrician and pediatric pulmonologist in São Paulo


About Dra. Ana Carolina Spiridon Pacheco Nekrycz


Pediatrician at Emunah Institute


Pediatrician, Pediatric pulmonologist


Dr. Ana Carolina Pacheco is a pediatrician graduated from the Faculdade de Medicina do ABC (FMABC), with a medical residency in Pediatrics at the Children's Institute of the Faculdade de Medicina da USP (FMUSP). She holds a specialist title in Pediatric Pulmonology from FMUSP and the Brazilian Society of Pediatrics (SBP). His commitment to individualized, science-based care is reflected in his office, where he seeks excellence and balance in patient care. As a member of the Brazilian Society of Pediatrics, she stands out as a pediatrician specializing in childcare and neuropsychomotor development in Barra Funda.

Professional Experience

  • Pediatrician at the Emunah Institute.


  • Graduated in Medicine from the Faculty of Medicine of ABC.


  • Emunah Institute

  • Member of the Brazilian Society of Pediatrics.

  • He worked as a Children's Pulmonologist at Leforte Hospital.

  • Specialist title in Pediatric Pulmonology from the USP Faculty of Medicine.

  • Medical residency in Pediatrics at the Children's Institute of the USP Faculty of Medicine.


  • English

  • Portuguese

  • Spanish


  • Pediatrics

  • Pediatric Pulmonology

  • Child care


Emunah Institute, Avenida Marquês de São Vicente, 2219, set 316 - Perdizes, Sao Paulo, 01139-003


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