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Dr. Renato Laks

Dr. Renato Laks

Specialist in Internal Medicine and Geriatrics in São Paulo

General practitioners (GP)

About Dr. Renato Laks


Doctor of the Geriatrics and Gerontology discipline at UNIFESP-EPM


Clinical doctors, Geriatricians


Dr. Renato Laks is a specialist in Clinical Medicine from the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP-EPM) and the Brazilian Society of Clinical Medicine. Specialist in Geriatrics from UNIFESP-EPM and the Brazilian Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology (SBGG). Currently, he works as a doctor in the Geriatrics and Gerontology discipline at UNIFESP-EPM.

Professional Experience

  • Doctor in the geriatrics and gerontology discipline at UNIFESP-EPM.

  • Head of duty at the Medical Clinic Emergency Room, São Paulo Association for the Development of Medicine - Hospital São Paulo.

  • Preceptor of internal medicine residents in the Emergency Medicine internship.

  • Medical residency in Geriatrics.

  • Medical residency in a Medical Clinic.

  • Internship in the Emergency and ICU Section. , Dante Pazzanese Institute of Cardiology, IDPC, Brazil.

  • AAIC 2021 (Alzheimer's Association International Conference). 2021.

  • II Paulista Pain Congress. 2021.

  • X Brazilian Congress of the Brazilian Alzheimer's Association + IX Brazilian Congress of the Brazilian Association of Geriatric Neuropsychiatry. 2021.

  • World Congress on Brain, Behavior and Emotions. 2013.

  • XVIII Brazilian Congress of Geriatrics and Gerontology. Perception and attitude of elderly people with Metabolic Syndrome regarding care for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. 2012

  • 1st Congress of the Memory Institute. 2009.


  • Introductory Palliative Care Course, Casa do Cuidar Practice Teaching Palliative Care, Casa do Cuidar, Brazil.

  • Bone Course Module 1: Updates to Guidelines on Osteoporosis - 2020.

  • Bone Course Module 2: Male Osteoporosis - 2020.

  • Bone Course Module 3: Osteoporosis and chronic kidney disease - 2020.

  • Bone Course Module 6: Impact of corticosteroids on bone health - 2020.

  • Avante Helping Care Course - Dysphagia and Dehydration - 2018.


  • Medical Studies

  • Master in Nutrition from Escola Paulista de Medicina.


  • English

  • Portuguese


  • Asthma

  • Parkinson's disease

  • Dyslipidemias

  • Hypothyroidism

  • Osteoarthritis

  • Osteoporosis

  • Alzheimer's disease

  • Depression

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Hypertension

  • Amnesia

  • Gastroesophageal reflux


Avenida Onze de Junho, 1070 - CJ 1008 - Vila Clementino, Sao Paulo, 04041-004


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