Dr. Matheus Senna Pereira Ogata

Dr. Matheus Senna Pereira Ogata

Ophthalmologist in São Paulo


About Dr. Matheus Senna Pereira Ogata


Ophthalmologist in Roizenblatt Associated Doctors


Ophthalmology, Cataract


Ophthalmologist graduated from the Ophthalmology Service of the Faculty of Medicine of Botucatu - UNESP. He completed a Professional Master's Degree in Ophthalmology (2018) from the same institution, from which he also graduated in Medicine (2015). Subspecialization in Retina and Vitreous by FMB UNESP. Currently studying Specialization in Ocular Oncology and Uveitis at UNIFESP/EPM (Escola Paulista de Medicina).

Professional Experience

  • Ophthalmologist in Roizenblatt Associated Doctors


  • 2018: Fundamentals of Ophthalmology Course, Brazilian Council of Ophthalmology (CBO), Brazil.

  • 2018: Internship in the Retina and Vitreous Sector of the Department of Ophthalmology, University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil.

  • 2017 - 2018: Practical Course on the EyeSi VRmagic® Phacoemulsification Simulator: Dry Lab, Faculty of Medicine of Botucatu - FMB UNESP, Brazil.

  • 2017 - 2017: Fundamentals of Ophthalmology Course, Brazilian Council of Ophthalmology (CBO), Brazil.

  • 2015: Basic Mechanical Ventilation, Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (UNESP), Brazil.


  • Ophthalmologist graduated from the Ophthalmology Service of the Faculty of Medicine of Botucatu - UNESP.

  • Professional Master's Degree in Ophthalmology from the Faculty of Medicine of Botucatu - UNESP in 2018.

  • Subspecialization in Retina and Vitreous by FMB UNESP.

  • Currently studying Specialization in Ocular Oncology and Uveitis at UNIFESP/EPM (Escola Paulista de Medicina).


  • English

  • Portuguese

  • Spanish


  • Cataract

  • Miopia

  • Astigmatism


Roizenblatt Associate Doctors, Avenida Angélica, 1996, 1st floor, Higienópolis, Sao Paulo, 01228-200

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