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Dr. Annie Levy

Dr. Annie Levy

Specialists in aesthetic medicine in Rio de Janeiro

Aesthetic Medicine Doctors

About Dr. Annie Levy


Specialists in aesthetic medicine in Rio de Janeiro


  • English

  • Portuguese



Av. Evandro Lins e Silva, 840 - room 1811 - Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro


Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Dr. Annie Levy's office?

Dr. Annie Levy is at: Av. Evandro Lins e Silva, 840 - room 1811 - Barra da TijucaRio de Janeiro

What phone can Dr. Annie Levy be contacted on?

Dr. Annie Levy can be contacted at: 5521988072425.

What languages ​​does Itziar Fernández Pérez speak?

Dr. Annie Levy speaks in English, Portuguese.

¿Cuáles son las principales especialidades de Dr. Annie Levy?

The clinic of Dr. Annie Levy specializes in Aesthetic Medicine Doctors, Facial aesthetics.

Can Dr. Annie Levy be contacted via email?

Dr. Annie Levy can be contacted via email.

How can I book an appointment with Dr. Annie Levy?

You can make an appointment with Dr. Annie Levy via 5521988072425 or via email.

Can I have an online consultation with Dr. Annie Levy?

You need to contact Dr. Annie Levy's clinic to find out.

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